Higher Education
Future skills for higher education
Redefining the future of education through digital transformation
Digital innovation is widespread in the higher education sector, with universities and colleges adopting modern technologies to enrich the experiences of staff, students and researchers. To remain competitive, institutions are putting technology at the heart of their strategy – expanding hybrid learning capabilities, improving collaboration, delivering sustainability and strengthening security.
To prepare students for the future, Kingston University combines great education with sought-after digital and problem-solving skills. This progressive vision relies on agile and scalable infrastructure, and the university’s IT team has the responsibility to enable change.
In partnership with Xtravirt, Kingston University kicked off a consciously hybrid cloud strategy to migrate 90 percent of workloads from an aging on-premises environment to the cloud. With support from VMware and Xtravirt, it now has a future-ready IT platform to transform the staff and student experience as needs evolve.

See more higher education case studies
Xtravirt higher education digital transformation projects & IT solutions
As a specialist cloud consultancy and managed services provider, we have guided digital transformation projects, and implemented and managed IT solutions for some of the most renowned and respected universities and colleges.
We understand the unique challenges that the education sector faces and are on hand to help you scope your existing environment; design the right solution leveraging your existing IT investment; deploy solutions that meet your goals and timelines; and even help you manage and maintain your IT solutions.
case study
When VMware Cloud Foundation™ was selected by University of Bristol as the basis for a strategic transformation program, expertise of VMware Principal Partner Xtravirt was critical to its success.
case study
Xtravirt design and deploy a scalable desktop and application platform, improving user experience through a higher performing desktop environment.
case study
Design and deploy of a new on-premises SDDC platform which improved network performance 10-fold, increased reliability & improved business continuity and disaster recovery.
A Proud Member of UCISA
Being a UCISA Corporate Member enables Xtravirt to actively engage with a community of IT leaders within the further and higher education sector through events, working groups and knowledge exchange. We value the opportunity for Xtravirt to contribute our expertise and share customer stories, while gaining invaluable insights into the unique challenges facing institutions today.
UCISA membership demonstrates our commitment to deliver innovative, effective solutions that enhance the digital capabilities of institutions across teaching, learning, research – ultimately, providing exceptional outcomes for students, staff and researchers.

Find out how Xtravirt can help you on your journey
To find out more or to request a free consultation, fill out the form below to have a specialist contact you.